Library Newsletter

Issue 28, 2014

Issue 28, 2014        Issue 27, 2014        Issue 26, 2014        Issue 25, 2014        

Issue 24, 2013        Issue 23, 2013        Issue 22, 2013        Issue 21, 2013        

Issue 20, 2012        Issue 19, 2012        Issue 18, 2011        Issue 17, 2011        

Issue 16, 2010        Issue 15, 2010        Issue 14, 2010        Issue 13, 2010        

Issue 12, 2009        Issue 11, 2009        Issue 10, 2009        Issue  9, 2009        

Issue  8, 2008        Issue  7, 2008        Issue  6, 2008        Issue  5, 2008        

Issue  4, 2007        Issue  3, 2007        Issue  2, 2007        Issue  1, 2007        

Web Sights 

The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence - A tool to end female genital mutilation
This guide, produced jointly by Amnesty International and the Council of Europe, aims at helping design policies and measures to better address female genital mutilation and to pave the way for change. It is based on the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (also known as the Istanbul Convention), which entered into force in August 2014.


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