The Programme "Preventing and Combating Trafficking of Minors and Young Women from Nigeria to Italy" funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was carried out by UNICRI in cooperation with UNODC, Nigerian Institutions and NGOs from March 2008 to April 2010. Designed as a follow-up of the pilot project, which was implemented during 2002-2004 - [to find out more go to Phase 1 of the Programme], the present Programme intended to:
- Create conditions that reduce the vulnerability of women and children to trafficking from Nigeria to Italy through their educational, economic, social and cultural empowerment;
- Strengthen anti-trafficking capacities of Nigerian authorities, namely by establishing a fully operational and functional Monitoring Centre within the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and other Related Matters (NAPTIP) - [to find out more go to http://www.naptip.gov.ng/];
- Prevent trafficking by means of raising public awareness among population, assist victims of trafficking and foster their successful reintegration in areas of origin;
- Disseminate lessons learned and best practices in the field of anti-trafficking and victims’ assistance and reintegration.
Map from www.mapsofworld.com, 07/2009